You may have noticed that the characters in the trailer were level 30. We were tasked with making our way to Air Force One. The mission played almost exactly like the trailer. Keep in mind, this was an E3 demo, so there may be adjustments in the amount of ammo crates when the game is launched. Now I didn’t start with crossbow ammo, but there was plenty of ammo to be found as I went through the mission. The other classes also had special weapons, along with a primary and secondary weapon. My character, the Survivalist, had a special crossbow with explosive arrows. The demo, set in Washington, DC, featured a lot of action and a look at the different specialists of Division 2. In my brief demo at an Xbox media event on the 10th, I had the chance to play the level that was shown at the Xbox E3 Keynote. At this point, what should you do with the sequel? Do you make massive overhauls to attract more gamers? Or do you make minor adjustments? Overall critic reviews are at 80 (according to Metacritic ), but user ratings are at a 7.6. While the Division has a core audience, the ratings were a bit mixed.

When Division 2 was announced, many thoughts went through my mind. E3 2018: Hands On Impressions Of The Division 2